Matchin’s Story

4 min readJul 12, 2021

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

Steve Jobs

A career is different from a job. It is more than the salary you take home at the end of the month, or the work you perform to support your livelihood. It is a long-term professional journey, a path you embark on to fulfill your dreams, goals and ambitions. You gain benefits beyond money, such as personal pride, work satisfaction and self-worth.

Here at Matchin, we want to empower you by helping you discover your interests, craft your unique pathway and ultimately match you to a career that would best fit you, your priorities, and your life.

1. Empowering you

We all come from different walks of life and contrary to what we might want to believe, we do not in fact start at the same baseline in life. Some of us are much further ahead because of the families we are born into and others lag behind, raring to go forward. The viral video where a guy asks everyone to stand at the same line and proceeds to ask questions to which people would have to take a step forward if it applies to them aptly highlights privilege in society and proves that we don’t in fact begin the race at the same starting line.

Matchin was born out of this need to empower everyone to find their own unique and purposeful path to their own personal versions of success and to live the best versions of themselves- no matter where the starting point might be, no matter how far or impossible the end point appears.

From Mark Zuckerberg who found a mentor in Steve Jobs to Oprah Winfrey who heavily relies on the advice Maya Angelou has given her, mentors are crucial in providing effective insights and advice to their mentees. However, more often than not, these mentors are inaccessible to the masses. Not everyone has the opportunity or fortune to meet such great mentors in their lifetime, hence Matchin wants to fix just that. We are working very hard, day and night, to become your very own ‘digital’ Steve Jobs. We seek to democratise these valuable insights and advice that such mentors provide, in an effort to help those deciding on their career path or looking to make a career change make more informed career decisions.

“Matchin uses artificial intelligence and big data to make one’s career discovery journey so much more democratised which we believe is a game changer. It is crucial that information about careers is made widely accessible, such that we can best prepare ourselves for the future.”

Chia Yong Kang, Matchin’s Chief Data Scientist

2. Crafting your own career path

Finding a career you like, excel in, and one that is suitable for you is a Tall order. However, after finding what that is, working towards it is perhaps even a Venti order (Venti > Tall for those not familiar with Starbucks). Paths to success are seldom straight lines. Sometimes, we might trip and fall on paths filled with undulating curves. On this gruelling journey, Matchin aims to offer you a helping hand every step of the way by breaking down the formidable task of working towards your career into smaller, more palatable steps that you can take one at a time. We help you keep pace in the marathon-like journey of working towards your ideal career.

Moreover, information online about jobs is so overloaded that it is difficult to digest anything useful. In fact, more often than not, the “infinite scrolling” on these platforms in search of answers and solutions to our problems leave us more lost, demoralised and confused than we originally were. Matchin seeks to make this journey a little less arduous and lonely by enabling our users to find effective career hacks and providing succinct yet insightful information completely molded to your specific skills and passion. Essentially, Matchin seeks to be the “TikTok” or “Spotify” of this career industry, with powerful algorithms used to curate and recommend content just for you.

“The route to your eventual goal might be an undulating, oblique and meandering path. However, I hope that Matchin can enable young people to discover career hacks in this arduous journey and ease their metamorphosis into well-prepared working adults.”

Jaryl Lim, Matchin’s CEO

3. It’s a match!

Fears of jobs being replaced or becoming redundant penetrate our society. Navigating one’s career has become increasingly difficult, especially in today’s close-to-post-pandemic society. But fret not, Matchin is here to help! Harnessing the power of technology, we learn about you through your interactions with our platform and help match you to your ideal career — one that brings out the best version of yourself and helps you to achieve your own definition of success. As mentioned earlier, we don’t want to have you settle, we want to help you thrive.

Stay tuned to our website and social media channels to join us on our journey of building something amazing to help you achieve your dreams!

